Take God out of the box
God is expansive.
My goodness, if only you knew how much God longs for us to see Him outside of the box we have tenderly, and sometimes for our own comfort placed Him in.
I have recognized my desire to place God in a box. In a person, community, even a job. It feels good and safe. To know where God is. To know what He’s doing all the time, To know what’s around the corner. I realize what a disservice that is to the God of the universe, The King of Kings, and The Lord of Lords.
God will allow you to put Him in a box, while gently asking and nudging you to open it.
What a Good God.
To invite you into opening your door, your box, and your perspective to show you so much more.
I have longed for certainty for the illusion of safety. God in His kindness shatters that, He breaks the glass ceiling. He will take everything you know about Him and say “My darling, there is so much more.”
It's been one month into 2024, and I am walking confidently into February while continuing to ask the question;
What does it look like to take God out of the box?
To take Him beyond what my comfort zone is?
This Sunday, I’m gathering with a couple of friends to create a vision board. I’ve never this done before out of this fear, that what if my dreams, the core of my heart are not from God?
What if I’m dreaming too big?
What if I’m wrong?
This act of faith in a vision board opens a door, inviting God into this sacred act of worship, and dreaming with Him. Inviting Him to lead the pieces I cut out, and the words I paste boldly on a blank slate.
Believing Him, not just for what He has done, or what He will do. But for who He is.
Even if none of this, or all of it happens, I’m taking a chance on God by inviting Him to create with me on this blank slate.
So friends,
As we walk forward in this new year with joy, sorrow, forgotten, or new dreams.
Let us do so with Hope.
Hope in The God of dreams, hope in the Father of lights, Hope in the one who already knows it all.
Let us try asking God; “Take yourself out of the box I have put you in.”
Isaiah 55: 8-9
8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts. (NIV)
Photo taken in New York City, October 2021