I am a Storyteller

I am not just a photographer, or a writer. I’m a storyteller. 

For years I wrestled with words and photos, always wanting to choose one but ultimately coming to the conclusion that I want the best of both worlds. I remember the first time that I was introduced to photography.  I didn’t know what I wanted or why I was drawn to it but it felt like a lightbulb went on. I was able to see the world with fresh eyes for the first time. No longer bound by the ideals of the world rather sinking into the depths of the human experience, and the human heart. It was like seeing the light for the first time, and once again believing in something beautiful. I remember being able to channel my emotions into something without having to say a word. It was freeing and it was healing. When I could not find the words, I found a photo, when I could not find a photo I wrote a word. Almost seven years later I have made the decision to marry the two. Do I know how yet? Not quite, but that won’t keep me from trying. There is a rush that occurs when someone opens up to me and shares part of their heart. 

I love people, and I love stories. This love comes from the deep-seated desire to experience someone’s heart. We live in a culture that defines us by what we do, how we dress, who we love, and what we say. I have found the freedom in letting all that go and allowing God to define me. While I struggle deeply at times, I find rest and freedom in knowing that He is for me, and not against me. The gift that photography is to me is the ability to see people the way God created them, whole, beautiful, and His creation. Someone’s eyes can tell you a lot about them, stories, tragedy, love, and loss.  It’s true what they say, a photo is worth a thousand words. I value the moments that people open up to me when I get to take their photos and even when they don’t, I cherish the time I get to spend behind the lens.

 Photography to me is an act of intimacy. It’s not just a job, a way to earn money or collect a few likes on Instagram it’s more than that. I believe that when we find the things that we love in this life, we are to give them back to God and simply ask Him. What do you want me to do with this? How can I serve others with this? 

Laying it down three years ago was incredibly hard, it took humility, admitting that I was afraid, and admitting that maybe I was wrong about the way I wanted to live my life. Three years later the desire came back in a new way. To capture a story regardless if it becomes a career or not. To do the thing that I love and listen to people while I’m at it. I don’t know what this next season of photography looks like, but I am allowing myself to be open and fall in love with it again. Stories make this world go round, they take us out of ourselves and into something deeper. 

What’s yours?




A Voice For The One Who Wants To Try Something New