
I want to talk about Discontentment. 

I am learning how to honor and celebrate people well. This was never something I was particularly good at. I struggled a lot with bitterness, jealousy, anger, and Fomo ( we all know it as fear of missing out.) I would look at the lives of others and say to God. “I want this, I want this now, I want that family, I want that job, I want that house.” Why God can’t I have what they have? God is kind in the sense that He always listens, He listens while I yell, scream, or sometimes just cry. What I love about God is that while I may say one thing, He hears the only thing that matters; my heart. I have had many moments in my life where I have glanced at the family of another, the partner of another, the job of another, and I have allowed myself to fall into the worlds first temptation. Discontentment. 

Discontent with where God had me then, and where He has me now. I’ve never been a Bible guru and I’m still not, but what I have learned about Adam and Eve is that Eve thought that God was holding out on her. She thought that she knew better than God. I can be the first to say I lived my life as someone who thought she knew better than God. That always ended me up in the same relationships, same problems, and same cycles. God is gracious, He’s a gentleman and I have learned that He does not push, shove, or intrude. He will wait until you are ready to give to him what you are clinging to, or holding on to. The power of surrender to contentment is not just acceptance but Joy. 

Joy in the present, joy in your circumstances, joy in your daily life. The ability to celebrate others and mean it. I have spent much of my life in either an intentional or unintentional waiting, and it is not like God to show you the promise then walk you through the desert, the storm, or the wilderness. Part of that is learning to celebrate others, honor others, cheer for others. Regardless if you get your promise or not, because what He has taught me and is continuing to teach me is He is the promise, He is the call, He is the gift and so often do I miss that. He is the giver of every good thing, and while it may be painful, while it may be hard. I am learning to say God, if you aren’t in it. I don’t want it. 

Pslam 23 says “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.” 

Matthew 6:33 “ But seek first His kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”


In my cry of unbelief, He answered me.

